Water Bill Shock? 3 Reasons Why Your Bill Can Suddenly Increase

Water use is a major concern for homeowners and tenants because the costs form a significant part of a household's monthly financial obligations.

Your bills come and go each month, and unless there is a significant increase in the amount owed, it is most likely a get-it-done, status quo situation. But what if your water bill arrives one month and it is unusually high? You're probably not going to just pay it. You're going to call Plumber In Werribee.

The question that must be addressed is, "Why is my water bill so high?"

If you're like most people, you probably don't think twice about your water bill. It shows up at least once a month, and we pay it without thinking twice. But what if I told you that your water bill could suddenly increase? If this sounds like your situation, then read on!

  • Broken Water Pipe or an Obvious Leak

If your water bill suddenly jumps, it may be because of a broken pipe.

If you have a leak and notify the water company, they will fix it for free. This type of leak requires a professional Plumber In Werribee that can quickly identify and fix the problem. Leave this to the experts, their equipment and their experience!

If you notice water dripping from your ceiling, call a professional to find the leak and repair it. When you notice an increase in your water bill, check for leaks. If you don't find any, contact the utility company and ask for an inspection.

Plumber In Werribee

The most common cause of water bill shock is underground leaks. Underground pipes can corrode, which causes them to leak. If you suspect that your home has an underground leak, call a professional plumber immediately!

If your home has no obvious signs of leaks (like wet basement walls), it's best to contact a Plumber In Tarneit right away so they can inspect your plumbing system and find out exactly where the problem is located. 

A professional will be able to tell what kind of damage has occurred and recommend the best course of action for repair—and sometimes even take care of it for you!

  • Is Your Toilet Leaking

If you have a leaky toilet, it's likely that your water bill will be higher than usual. Toilet leaking is a common problem that can increase your water bill and waste an enormous amount of water. A faulty flapper causes water levels in the toilet to drop, encouraging constant water usage through filling and refilling. 

Water line connections and sealant cracks can also be charged. If your toilet continues to run after you have flushed it, you most likely have a leak. Humming, hissing, and low toilet bowl water are also signs that something is wrong.


If you are the owner of a home, business or other property and you notice that your water bill is higher than normal, it may be time to take action. Most likely, there is an obvious leak somewhere in your plumbing system, which could result in significant damage if not repaired immediately. While this may seem like an expensive solution to the problem at first glance, it actually saves money over time because repairs like these can cost thousands of dollars each year! So while fixing leaks might seem daunting at first glance - don't let fear stop you from doing anything about it now!


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